Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I really never gave any thought to space travel for myself...I figured until they give me a really good reason to go, I can just watch it on TV and look at the pictures.

Then I saw this:

Now I want to go there.

Also, if you're into this sort of thing, here is some information on our upcoming Harvest Moon:

Have a great day,


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wow! Those pictures are awesome!

Anonymous said...

well I guess I am not too concerned with space travel. However, any time there is a party it sounds good to me!! I'm in!!!

Anonymous said...

beautiful! can't wait to see the harvest moon next week with you babe.

love you.

Anonymous said...

i'll definitely be looking for the Harvest Moon... thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

did i miss something about a party Tim/Jim?