Friday, June 23, 2006

Wow. Did you hear about the lady who drove her motorhome for the first time to a ball game and on the way home, she set the cruise to 70 mph, got up and went to the back to make herself a sandwich? True story. When she crashed and was injured, she sued Winnebago and won $1,750,000. Also true. There must be something I'm missing because a jury of her peers...wait, her it makes sense. Oh well, anyway, she cashed in on her stupidity, or did she? Was this her plan all along? Hmmm...a lawyer or attorney had to gain some of this...33% of 1.75 mil is approiximately $577,500. Well now it really makes sense. The owner's manual doesn't say you can't do that. In fact, Winnebago adjusted the text in their manuals due to this. Crazy world we live in.

I love this world we live in. It IS crazy but it is so interesting. You never sit around thinking nothing's going on or that you're so bored because there's nothing to do. We have iPods, laptops, cable TV, jets, cars, you name it. We can go anywhere at any time and do nearly anything, be it legal or illegal, moral or immoral, depending on which country you go to to do it. All you need is money...which I don't have a lot of, so I guess I don't know for sure that you can go anywhere at any time to do anything, but I think you can. I bet Jack Johnson can. He must have a ton of money. I know he's got whatever percentage he gets from me buying like three of his CDs which is more than I've got in my pocket right now. But I've got enough.

I love life. I used to always wonder what it would be like to be a grown up and I used to think that it would be freakin' sweet because noone could tell you what to do. It is. If you're a kid reading this, (I hope no kids read this, please!) you will love your adulthood...or you should anyways. Even if everyone tries to tell you that you shouldn't, I remember bein a kid and I am happy with how much fun I have. I play in my yard with my daughter and have friends over and grill...noone tells me to be careful because the grill's hot, noone tells me it's late and I gotta go to bed on a Friday night. I am happy. Over all.

If your life sucks, or if you think it does, take stock. Think about what you used to dream about when you were a kid. What did you think your perfect grow up life would be? Forget about your goals and expectations for yourself for the moment. Think about what it used to be like and see if it doesn't weigh out on the side of satisfied. If it doesn't, do something different because this is your life and it's only so long here on erth and in those last years, days or moments, you don't want to be regretting or worrying about what you did, didn't or should have done. Like I said before, you can buy the old cartoons you used to watch and watch them any time. You can travel anywhere your wallet will allow you. You are in charge and you can do what you want to do. So do it and live the life you've always dreamed. (yes that's totally stolen from Emerson)


Anonymous said...

love this jim. i love my "grow up" life too. sweet husband. beautiful daughter. nice little house to live in. love it all. love you.

Anonymous said...

well jim...beautifully said! i am growing is my only issue i have..and not having enough! other than that...growing up is just fine!

Anonymous said...

I guess I am technically grown up...I feel more comfortable saying that now that I am out of my "teens":) Life is good, but then again, my childhood was wonderful, too! But I can say that married life is much more fun than non-married life!

Anonymous said...

You're awesome Jim! I love to read your blogs. Life is great.

Anonymous said...

Every time I hear the RV lawsuit story it makes me cringe. People are completely out of control. We could all do STUPID things and sue people over 'not telling me I couldn't do it' but why? Make millions? Yeah that would be nice but I'm not sure I could live with myself if I did that.
Thanks for your thoughts... I'll be trying to think about my childhood dreams now. Thanks for inspiring...

Tim and Amy said...

hey stranger- how are you?!!?!!!?

hope things are good!!!!!!!!