Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The past few days I have been thinking about politics and how ridiculously inept I feel when it comes to conversation regarding politics and government. While I read (and re-read) forums, articles and papers on the status of our often untrustworthy leaders, by the time I’m done I still feel like I’ve just read Excel for Dummies, like it was easy enough for me to understand, but I didn’t. Am I the only one?

Okay so I only graduated from high school (and a very small one at that) and attended only community colleges thereafter. But it seems like less educated people have a grasp on the whole thing. Or at least they have an opinion that sounds like they know what they’re talking about. Maybe I ate some lead paint as a child? One too many blows to the head? Too many drugs? No, others who are involved or are knowledgeable on subjects regarding political philosophy have certainly had the same and worse inflictions upon their gray matter. What is wrong with me?

When I read through forums, I get dizzy from the words I read. Do these people actually spend each day reading articles from the people they quote? Do they really know these things or is it merely their opinions combined with an agile vocabulary coming out in their writing?

I realized recently that reading, responding and attempting to engage in conversations about politics and policy and issues currently affecting us today only reminds me of how uneducated and stupid I am in these areas. Not that the lack of prowess in this area is a direct result of my uneducated mind, but it seems to make me remember that I have less education, which bothers me from time to time.

I plan to continue and finish a degree…sometime, but I have no immediate plan to do so. Work, family, vacation. Too much enjoying the now to put away for then.

So what’s a guy to do? Often while reading, I get the feeling that the “right” loves me the way I am, religious, uneducated and uninformed. That way they can sneak stuff right past me. But wait, here it comes…the “left” may be working to degrade the morals of our country disguised as freedoms and liberties. Either way, it seems to me like I’m being “sold” something and paying for it later, like a Trojan horse. Neil Young said “they give you this, but you pay for that.”

Now with the voting machine stuff going on, it makes me not want to bother voting…but is that another right wing scheme to get me to not vote? Am I overly paranoid? Not in general, I don’t look over my shoulder or check behind the shower curtain when I go into the bathroom. What a mess, and what a dilemma. Let’s discuss. Do you have an opinion? I am totally lost at this point and worry and wonder where this country is headed and where it will be by the time my daughter has kids…


Anonymous said...

Wow! I feel the same way. If I read the speeches and articles on any political information, I feel like I need to read it three times over and even then - nothing is understood.

{That's pretty sad- I'm 'paranoid' by your terms. Checking behind the shower curtain isn't just being cautious?! lol}

Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY FEEL YA!!! wow...i dont know ANYTHINg...all politics just goes in one ear and out the other...i am in govt right now in school...and dont understand a thing! but SOMEHOW pulling off a b!! haha

Anonymous said...

I'm educated, but still am very confused and feel the same way you do about politics. My brother on the other had blew me away at a relatives wedding when he spoke about politics. I thought to myself, where the hell did he have time to go off the edge in the political areana and become smart...then again, he's a bullshitter and is probably just bsing all of us!

Anonymous said... know that i don't have a clue about politics either...when i have gone to vote...i feel like i'm in kindergarten taking my senior exams...just fill in the guess i need to educate myself...